11 November 2012

Property For Sale

Determining the price of property for sale
Properties for sale does not have a standard price, it all depends on the agreement between the seller by the buyer. If you want to sell your property, I gave some tips:

1. Do a survey to find comparable environment, is there any kind of property around the property offered for sale. See sale price.

2. If there is no nearby property for sale, looking at a wider radius. It is important for comparison and grip the seller.

3. From price comparison is done on the property, make the necessary adjustments to the property for sale. Comparisons can be seen from several points, such as land and buildings, legality (certificate), household characteristics (direction toward, flood free or not, shape and age of the building, etc.). Thus, it would seem fair market value for the property to be sold.

4. If the overall property for sale better than comparable properties, the offer price is higher. And vice versa.

5. To test or not at a predetermined price, try to analyze the price of land and buildings separately. For example, land prices gained $ 50,000, and the building area of ​​20,000 U.S. dollar price, then the seller should offer the property at a price 20% above that price, which is about 85 000 U.S. dollars. If the later happens negotiations, the seller may maintain reasonable prices predetermined, ie 70 000 U.S. dollars.

The seller must specify the lowest price for the property for sale (floor price), while the buyer must be able to determine the highest price he paid (ceiling price). At the intersection of the ceiling price is the floor price will be negotiated, then the transaction (market price).


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